Tuesday, September 29, 2009

My Best Fiend, Werner Herzog

I applied for Werner Herzog's new undertaking--The Rogue Film School. It's rather expensive ($1,450 for a weekend seminar, plus expenses to, from and in LA), but I cannot resist. Herzog is one of my favorite filmmakers, and, probably moreso than any other filmmaker, will guarantee to be interesting and original. Here is the description on roguefilmschool.com

"The Rogue Film School is not for the faint-hearted. It is for those who have traveled on foot, who have worked as bouncers in sex clubs or as wardens in a lunatic asylum, for those who are willing to learn about lock-picking or forging shooting permits in countries not favouring their projects. In short: it is for those who have a sense for poetry. For those who are pilgrims. For those who can tell a story to four-year-old children and hold their attention. For those who have a fire burning within. For those who have a dream."

I recommend any and all of his films if you're not familiar. Personal favorites: Stroszek, Fitzcarraldo, Agurrie, the Wrath of God.


The Hudson, The Acheron; The East River, The River Styx

Currently I'm reading Dante's Inferno. It's been difficult. I do 99% of all my reading on the train to and from work, and, considering all the distractions that the New York City subway beholds, a 13th-Century Italian Epic Poem about a journey into Hell is tough. However, there's something fitting about, blasting drone metal and diving into the outer-circles of the Netherworld while, in reality, am in small quarters with lunatics, crackheads, prostitutes, break-dancers, subway car preachers, and bums. Everyday is a wonderful mobile freakshow, riding on the rails of the subterranean serpent, slithering beneath the most populated 22-square-miles in the world. Humoring myself, I imagine that newfound modern political-correctness has lifted the segregation of the lustful and the glutinous, the violent and the fraudulent. We all live, stacked on top of one other, co-mingling at intimate distance, trying to pretend that one another doesn't exist.

Other news in google-searching "Dante's Inferno," I found there is video game coming out, loosely based on the story. Looks creepy and awesome.

The Daily Commute

Thursday, September 24, 2009

Mission Statement

I have no clear purpose in creating this blog. It will be an unaimed, confused hodgepodge of personal interest--my personal interest. It will be things I think are interesting, clever, funny and all together radical. It is my attempt to flex my brain to come up with content.

So set your bookmarks to "stun," because this is going to be the most mind-blowing shit since The Butterfly Effect.